This is a page for other miscellaneous Nintendo hardware. This includes consoles that were more side projects for Nintendo, such as the Nintendo Classic Mini micro consoles and Pokemon devices, and hardware that was intended for use across multiple consoles, such as amiibo and the Nintendo Wi-Fi router.
The JoySpot is an extremely rare piece of kiosk hardware, only used in Japan at shops and events. Players would connect to the JoySpot using a Game Boy Advance, a GBA Wireless Adapter (AGB-015) and a compatible game to send data and receive data, similar in concept to the later released Nintendo Zone. Only eight games used the service; "Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen Version", "Pokemon Emerald Version", "Mario Golf: Advance Tour", "Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Games", "Boktai 2", "Vattroller X" and "Sennen Kazoku". The JoySpot also had its own specific GBA cartridges, called "Joyspot Service Cartridge Vol 1-4", with Vol 1's software being released during the Nintendo Gigaleak. This software would allow Pokemon players to battle a special trainer in the Union Room, and documentation leaked alongside the software reveals that the JoySpot was planned for the United States, could also distribute event items for the Pokemon games, such as the "AuroraTicket" and "MysticTicket", and was capable of distributing data to several different games at once. The actual JoySpot hardware hasn't been seen in the wild for a long time, as the service only ran for a couple years, and only in Japan. Website owner Maru-Chang reports in this blogpost (Sunday, March 28, 2004) that the device's hardware number is JSP-001 and that it was powered by a Game Boy Advance AC Adapter (AGB-009). Based on this report, and the fact that the similar Nintendo Zone is actually modified Nintendo DS hardware, it seems likely that the JoySpot hardware is actually modified Game Boy Advance hardware, created to streamline usage for shop owners.
Made by Scott of Luckless Heaven™.
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