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Color TV Game

Home game systems, first console (CTG 6) released in 1977

This was Nintendo's first home video-game console; a series of standalone basic color videogames. The first console, Color TV Game 6 only played 6 games, which were all variations of the classic game "Pong".

Color TV Game Hardware

Information on all first-party Color TV Game hardware and accessories can be found below

Release Date Game Title Translated Hardware Number
1977 カラー テレビゲーム6 Color TV-Game 6 CTG-6S
1977 カラー テレビゲーム6 Color TV-Game 6 (improved) CTG-6V
1978 カラー テレビゲーム15 Color TV-Game 15 CTG-15S
1978 カラー テレビゲーム15 Color TV-Game 15 (improved) CTG-15V
1978 カラーテレビゲーム レーシング112 Color TV-Game Racing 112 CTG-CR112
1979 カラーテレビゲーム ブロック崩し Color TV-Game Block Kuzushi CTG-BK6
1980 コンピューターテレビゲーム Computer TV-Game CTG-HC10

Color TV-Game AC Adapter

The Color TV-Game AC adapter was sold separately from all versions of the Color TV-Game, to keep prices of the individual consoles down. This AC adapter is compatible with most versions of the Color TV-Game, except from the CTG-6S which only runs off batteries and the Computer TV-Game, which was power-hungry enough to require a bulkier AC adapter. There are two versions of this AC adapter; a smaller, older version and a larger version. Both versions function identically and were priced the same.

Input: 100V, 4VA, 50/60Hz
Output: 9V/100mA


Computer TV-Game AC Adapter

The Computer TV-Game AC adapter is actually included with the Computer TV-Game and is notably larger than the Color TV-Game AC adapter.

Input: 100V, 32VA, 50/60Hz

Output:  +5V/1A, +12V/0.3A, -5V/0.2A

(Credit to beforemario.com for the original picture)

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