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Release date:

JP: 19 Jun 1981 - パラシュート

US: 19 Jun 1981 - Parachute
19 Jun 1981 - Parachute

System: Game & Watch

Developer: Nintendo

Genre: Action


Game Boy (Color) - Game & Watch Gallery 2

Game Boy Advance - Game & Watch Gallery 4

Nintendo DS - Game & Watch Collection 2

In Parachute, the player controls a person in a rowboat, who moves from left and right to catch people parachuting out of an overhead helicopter. As the game continues, the parachutists will fall even faster, increasing the pace of the game. Each person caught in the rowboat is worth a point, though letting a person fall into the ocean will result in them being eaten by a shark, and the player losing a life. The game ends after the player has lost all three lives. In GAME B, some of the people get their parachutes stuck in trees, delaying their fall.

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