This is a page for other miscellaneous Nintendo hardware. This includes consoles that were more side projects for Nintendo, such as the Nintendo Classic Mini micro consoles and Pokemon devices, and hardware that was intended for use across multiple consoles, such as amiibo and the Nintendo Wi-Fi router.
Pokemon Mini
The Pokemon Mini is a tiny console, about the size of a matchbox, and focused around Pokemon games, released in late 2001/early 2002. At the time of its release, the Pokemon Mini was the smallest console ever that played games from cartridges. The console is powered by a single AAA battery and uses a simple LCD screen capable of very basic monochrome graphics. For controls, we have a D-Pad and the standard A and B buttons. There's also a C button, positioned as a sort-of shoulder button on the right-hand side. The Power button is a small, soft button in the centre of the system, with a smaller Reset button beneath, which is only accessible via a tool and factory resets the console. A lot of the games released for the system were small mini-games and spin-offs, and so the console isn't really remembered for any groundbreaking, great titles.
Pokemon Mini Cartridge
The Pokemon Mini cartridge is an incredibly small, transparent cartridge. These were sold individually in boxes, much like more mainline Nintendo consoles at the time. Interestingly, game data is saved to the console's 6-block internal memory, rather than on the cartridge. Every game released for the Pokemon Mini is also officially playable via the Nintendo GameCube game "Pokemon Channel", which has an unlockable Pokemon Mini emulator with a previously unreleased game, "Snorlax's Lunchtime".
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