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Virtual Boy

"Portable" console released in 1995

The Virtual Boy had a stereoscopic 3D effect allowing characters to move in and out of the background and leap out at the player, who would watch the action through the lens. Nintendo often doesn't like to remember this console exists, but it has its own cult following.


Virtual Boy

The Virtual Boy is a tabletop game console capable of full three-dimensional visuals. However, the screen is in red monotone, meaning only shades of red and black can be used. It was extremely short-lived, with only approximately 770,000 consoles being sold in Japan and America. It was originally proposed as a system that goes beyond the limits of worlds shown on standard flat displays, and in that respect, you could consider it a successful game console. It was released in Japan on July 21st, 1995, and in North America on August 21st, 1995. Notably, it was never released in Europe.




This stand is required for setting up Virtual Boy. The clip attaches to the bottom of the main console, and the knob on the side loosens the top section of the stand, allowing you to adjust the viewing angle of the Virtual Boy.


Game Link Cable

The Game Link Cable is a black cable that should allow for communications between two Virtual Boy consoles. The plugs look similar to the NES/SNES AV plugs. This accessory was never released and no official games have support coded for it, though there is unused code found in "Mario's Tennis" that implies that multiplayer via link cable was planned. The only known existing cable was found by a Planet VB user, who found it packaged with a Virtual Boy debugging kit.



The Virtual Boy Controller, interestingly, features two direction pads on both grips. There’s a directional pad, Select button and Start button on the left side, and a B button, an A button and a second directional pad on the right. There is an L button on the left shoulder and an R button on the right shoulder.


Game Pak

This is the Virtual Boy’s software medium. In total, 22 titles were released for the Virtual Boy. Nintendo published 10 of these 22 titles: Galactic Pinball, Mario’s Tennis, Red Alarm, Teleroboxer, Mario Clash, Golf, Virtual Boy Wario Land, Vertical Force, Nester’s Funky Bowling and 3D Tetris.


Battery Pack

This is the Virtual Boy's power supply device. You can play for roughly seven hours with six alkaline AA batteries. The battery pack slots on to the back of the controller.




Eye Shade

The eyeshade closes the gap between the Virtual Boy and the player's face, which makes it much easier to see the screen , without it being washed out by additional lights. Replacement eye shades could be bought.


AC Adapter Tap

The AC Adapter Tap is a power adapter that allows a NES or SNES AC adapter to power the Virtual Boy, rather than having to rely on batteries. The tap slots on to the back of the controller. This accessory was sold separately.


Eye Shade Holder

The eye shade holder has plastic parts for attaching the eye shade (VUE-010) to the Virtual Boy console.



Stereo Earphones

These are red stereo earphones, colored to match to the Virtual Boy. These were sold separately.

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